Secure Sockets Layer (128 Bit SSL Security) ensures the utmost security for your online shopping experience with the implementation of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, offering a 128-bit SSL security. SSL enables the encryption of sensitive information, such as passwords and Mastercard numbers, to protect them during your transactions on our website. All the forms on our site are secured using SSL technology, ensuring the safety of your personal information by keeping it out of the reach of malicious individuals.

We are fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which is a comprehensive information security standard for organizations that handle credit card and revolving credit information. This standard, established by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, aims to enhance controls around Mastercard data, thus reducing the risk of Mastercard fraud arising from unauthorized exposure.


When you shop at, we accept all major credit cards, including Amex, Discover, Mastercard, and Visa. Please note that payment must be made in full before shipment.

To provide you with complete confidence in making your payment, our secure servers handle the transaction process. Rest assured that your credit card information is neither processed nor stored on servers, and we never release any information to third parties.